# Insertion Sort
Insertion sort is a simple in-place comparison-based sorting algorithm.
It maintains a sub-array (sub-list) which is always sorted and is built one element at a time.
By selecting each element and inserting it at its sorted position in the sorted sub-array.
- As initially sorted sub-array is empty when we insert the first element in it, it would be already sorted.
- Thus we will select each element one by one starting with the second element.
- We will use two variables value & index, value to store the selected element & index to eventually get the index where we will insert the element in sorted sub-array.
- Firstly for every selected element index = index of selected element.
- Then we will compare the selected element with elements in the sorted sub-array.
- And Shift all the elements greater than selected element one place to the right decrementing index at every step, That is:
- Finally, we will insert the selected element at its sorted position i.e. at index.
# Source Code - C++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Insertion sort sort function
void insertionSort( int A[], int n)
int i ,value, index;
for(i=1 ; i<n ; i++)
value = A[i];
index = i;
while ( index > 0 && A[index -1] > value)
A[index] = A[index -1];
index = index -1;
A[index] = value;
void displayArray(int A[],int n)
int i;
cout<<A[i]<<" ";
int main()
int n,i,e;
cout<<"enter number of elements\n";
int A[n];
cout<<"enter elements\n";
cout<<"Array before sorting:\n";
//calling insertion sort function
cout<<"Array after sorting:\n";
return 0;